Special sites are areas that include geologically unique or culturally important features. Many owners have a strong attachment to special sites on their property – places they would like to preserve into the future. Some sites are notable for their rock formations, some because of their unique or historical significance, others because they have sentimental value or simply bring back fond memories. Some are recognized by state or federal commissions and agencies.
Landowners should be sure that any special places on their property are identified and included as part of their management plan before undertaking any forest operations.

- County Natural Heritage Inventory [Interactive Map]
- American Tree Farm System – Your Special Sites Resource Guide
- Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission – preserves and promotes the state’s cultural heritage.
- Pennsylvania Bureau for Historic Preservation – provides assistance in identifying and protecting historic properties, archaeological sites, burial places, and other cultural sites in the state. The Bureau maintains the Cultural Resources Geographic Information System, an online map-based inventory of the documented historic and cultural resources of the state.
- Pennsylvania State Archives – identifies, preserves, and makes accessible records (such as census records, military records, family histories, and various county, state and federal records) and other documents that can help you research your special sites.