Forest Certification


Certification is a voluntary process that recognizes well-managed forests. The management practices of a certified forest are evaluated by independent third-party auditors based on the standards of a certification system. The benefits of having lands certified include both recognition of the landowner’s efforts to practice forestry in an environmentally responsible manner and access to markets which seek wood from certified forests. Consumers benefit from knowing the products they purchase are coming from well-managed forests.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Inc. (SFI) is an independent, non-profit organization that provides supply chain assurances, delivers conservation leadership, and supports education and community engagement. SFI believes that forests are the answer to so many of our conservation, community and supply chain challenges. SFI works with the forest sector, brand owners, conservation groups, resource professionals, landowners, educators, local communities, Indigenous Peoples, governments and universities. SFI standards and on-product labels help consumers make responsible purchasing decisions. How to Certify

Learn more about the Sustainable Forestry Initiative:

American Tree Farm System (ATFS) is the oldest and largest woodland certification system in the United States for small family forests (up to 10,000 acres). Their forest certification standard requires that private forest landowners develop a management plan based on strict environmental standards and pass an inspection by an ATFS inspecting forester. How to Certify

ATFS is endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes (PEFC). The SFI program recognizes fiber from any standard operating in North America that is endorsed by PEFC, which means fiber from ATFS-certified forests can be counted as certified content for SFI label use. 

The Pennsylvania SIC encourages non-industrial private forest landowners to consider enrolling in ATFS. Participating in ATFS is a good way to obtain information, education, and networking opportunities on sustainable forest management. To learn more about the ATFS, visit: