Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee
Home » Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee

Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Implementation Committee
At the heart of the SFI community is a unique network of 35 SFI Implementation Committees (SICs) that work locally to advance sustainability through forest-focused collaborations. The Pennsylvania SIC is a nonprofit organization established in 1995 to advance sustainable forestry in Pennsylvania through the SFI Program. Our diverse Committee of volunteers bring together sawmills, pulp mills, forest landowners, loggers, consulting foresters, the Bureau of Forestry, the Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council, Conservation Districts, Penn State, the PA Forest Products Association and others from across the state into a unique forum unlike any other in Pennsylvania. Click here to learn more.

Kyle Troutman
Committee Chair, Weaber Inc.

Committee Vice Chair,

Chuck Coup
Program Manager, PA SFI Implementation Committee