Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee

Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Implementation Committee

At the heart of the SFI community is a unique network of 35 SFI Implementation Committees (SICs) that work locally to advance sustainability through forest-focused collaborations. The Pennsylvania SIC is a nonprofit organization established in 1995 to advance sustainable forestry in Pennsylvania through the SFI Program. Our diverse Committee of volunteers bring together sawmills, pulp mills, forest landowners, loggers, consulting foresters, the Bureau of Forestry, the Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council, Conservation Districts, Penn State, the PA Forest Products Association and others from across the state into a unique forum unlike any other in Pennsylvania. Click here to learn more.

Kyle Troutman

Committee Chair, Weaber Inc.

Committee Vice Chair,

Chuck Coup

Program Manager, PA SFI Implementation Committee

Mark Ott

Administrative Coordinator, PA SFI Implementation Committee

David Andrus

Three Rivers Forest Management (Representing The Lyme Timber Company)

Daniel Anna

Jr., Annas Consulting Forestry

Jeff Barrett

Manulife Investment Management

Shelby Chorba

Northern Tier Hardwood Association


Pennsylvania Forest Products Association

Jonathan Geyer

Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council

Matt Keefer

Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry

Michael Leitzel

A&L Wood, Inc.

Ben Livelsberger

Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry

Mark McCall

Pixelle Specialty Solutions

Wes Miller

A.M. Logging, LLC.

Gordy Mouw

Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.

Allyson Muth

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests

Garin Peck

Metzler Forest Products

Stephanie Phillips-Taggart

Keystone Wood Products Association

Ron Rohall

Consulting Forester, Representing Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

Aaron Rowles

Aaron Rowles Logging

Jason Sheaffer

A&L Wood, Inc.

Amy Shields

Allegheny Hardwoods Utilization Group

Todd Sparks

Nuveen Natural Capital

Dominic Stelzer

Independent Stave Company

Roger Stoll

Weyerhaeuser Co.

Aaron Tyson

Pennsylvania Game Commission

Jason Wenrich

FORECON, Inc. (Representing Forest Investment Associates and IM FD Timber, LLC

Travis Whatley

Georgia-Pacific, LLC

Barrett Wiggans

Deer Park Lumber