Virtual Logger Training


These online logger training options are intended to give participants of the Pennsylvania SFI Professional Timber Harvester Training Program more convenient opportunities for completing their continuing education (CE) requirements. The value of these trainings will depend greatly on the participants’ motivation to learn and to do so with integrity. Participants that take advantage of these online training options agree to personally and honestly participate and complete all course materials and quizzes without assistance, help, or substitution from others. Dishonest use of these programs by training participants could result in a denial of credits and/or the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee generally revoking recognition of these training options.


The Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee recognizes and approves webinars that address topics outlined within the SFI Standards and Rules for continuing education (CE)(FMS Performance Measures 11.2 and FSS Performance Measure 6.3). Individuals must participate in live webinars to receive CE credit. CE credit will not be approved for reviewing recorded webinars unless otherwise approved by the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee.

Training program participants can submit upcoming webinars to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee for a credit pre-approval review. A listing of pre-approved webinars, and other training, is available here:

Note that this is not a complete list and only includes the webinars that the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee has reviewed and approved. Also be aware that most webinars are only one (1) hour long. Training participants must complete three (3) additional hours of CE credit to add one (1) year to their training expiration date (i.e., 4 hours = 1 year).

After participating in the webinar, individuals must submit a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form, a summary of the webinar’s content, and a certificate of completion or some other form of attendance verification. Please request that the webinar host send the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee confirmation of your participation. Per the training program policy, A $20 admin fee is required for each individual training submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this is different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted at one time under a single $20 admin fee).


Self-paced/asynchronous online courses give training participants the flexibility to complete training when it is most convenient for them. These training options have been approved for continuing education (CE) credit in the Pennsylvania SFI Professional Timber Harvester Training Program. Each program requires different verification methods and approved credit amounts vary. Please carefully read and follow all instructions. Some courses require a registration fee. Credits will need to be submitted for each individual course using the Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form. Per the training program policy, a $20 admin fee is required for each individual training submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this is different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted under a single $20 admin fee). All CE requirements apply, so none of the courses can be completed more than once in a 5-year period for CE credit. Please refer to our Training Program Policy for a complete summary of training requirements.


(1 year of CE credit)

  • Go to
  • Course modules are free to access and complete.
  • Individuals must complete all six (6) of the following course modules in order to receive 4 hours (1 year) of continuing education credit (other modules on the SHARP Logger website have not been approved for CE credit in Pennsylvania):
    • BMP’s for Temporary Haul Roads and Skid Trail Closeout (43 mins)
    • How to Conduct a Deed Search (37 mins)
    • Basic Timber Cruising – Timber Inventory & Assessment (30 mins)
    • Basic Chainsaw Safety & Directional Felling (36 mins)
    • Limbing and Topping Safety (39 mins)
    • Forestry BMPs: Applied Research Results (35 mins)
  • Please direct technical support questions/issues to the Virginia SHARP Logger program

After completing each course module, participants must take a screenshot of the final slide, including the table of contents that show a check mark by each segment (Click here for an example – each final slide looks a little different and some actually present a certificate of completion). You can do this by either taking a clear picture of your computer screen with your smart phone, or by pressing the [Ctrl][Print Screen] keys on your keyboard at the same time and then pasting the copied image into a Word Document or Microsoft Paint. The course module will not be counted for credit if the screenshot is not included. The course will not be counted for credit if the screenshot cannot be read. DO NOT attempt to submit the training for credit through the webinar survey form at the end of each course module! It will go to Virginia Tech and be ignored. If you submit to obtain a certificate, please enter “0” or “N/A” under the Logger ID number. For each course module, participants must submit a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form (leave the “Discussion Leader” and “Discussion Leader Signature” entries blank) and the screenshot. For the six (6) Virginia SHARP Logger Online series, a $20 admin fee is required for the total submission to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (not for each individual module). Courses will only count for CE credit once every five years.


(Up to 3 years of CE credit)

  • First Time User – Click on one of the course titles below and follow the directions for registering as a New User.
  • After Establishing an Account – Sign in (here) and register for a course below using your established username and password.
  • Once registered, a confirmation letter with a link to the course will be e-mailed to you. From that time, you will have 30 days to complete the training.
  • There is a $20 registration fee for each course.
  • Individuals can complete any combination of four (4) hours of training from the following list of approved classes for one (1) year of CE credit, or any combination of eight (8) hours of training for two (2) years of CE credit:
  • Participants must complete all content and successfully pass all required quizzes.
  • Please direct technical support questions/issues to the IT Service Desk.

After completing each course, participants will be emailed a certificate of completion (Click here for an example). For each class, participants must submit a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form (leave the “Discussion Leader” and “Discussion Leader Signature” entries blank) and a copy of the certificate of completion. Per the training program policy, a $20 admin fee is required for each individual training submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this admin fee is IN ADDITION TO the $20 registration fee you must pay to the University o Wisconsin for each course. It is also different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted to the SIC under a single $20 admin fee). Courses will only count for CE credit once every five years.


(2 hours/0.5 years of CE credit)

  • Register and complete the training here:
  • Course is free to access and complete
  • Once a designated employee passes this course, his or her company will receive spotted lanternfly permits for company vehicles. The designated employee must train fellow employees to work in the quarantine zone without inadvertently spreading these insects and endangering agriculture and commerce.
  • There are three sections in the course. Each section has a quiz at the end. Students will need to achieve a score greater than 70% on the quizzes in order to pass this course.
  • This training only counts for 2 hours (0.5 years) of CE credit. Individuals must complete and submit at least 2 additional hours of CE credit in order to add 1 year onto their SFI Qualified Logging Professional validation date.
  • Please direct technical support questions/issues to Penn State Extension
  • If you have questions about the permitting process, email the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: [email protected].

After successfully completing the training and quizzes, participants will need to print off their certificate of completion (Click here for an example) and submit it along with a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form (leave the “Discussion Leader” and “Discussion Leader Signature” entries blank). Per the training program policy, a $20 admin fee is required for each individual training submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this is different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted under a single $20 admin fee). This course will only count for CE credit once every five years.


(1 hour/0.25 years of CE credit)

  • Register as a new student (free):
  • Course is free to access and complete.
  • Individual must complete the training and successfully answer all questions on the post-course exam
  • This training only counts for 1 hour (0.25 years) of CE credit. Individuals must complete and submit at least 3 additinal hours of CE credit in order to add 1 year onto their SFI Qualified Logging Professional validation date.
  • Please direct technical support questions/issues to the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station.

After listening to the full presentation, participants must successfully complete the five (5) question post-course exam on page 80 and receive a 100% score. Participants must take a screen shot of their exam results that includes the date and time from their computer (Click here for an example). You can do this by either taking a clear picture of your computer screen with your smart phone, or by pressing the [Ctrl][Print Screen] keys on your keyboard at the same time and pasting the image into a Word Document or Microsoft Paint. The course will not be counted for credit if the exam screenshot is not included. The course will not be counted for credit if the screenshot cannot be read or the date/time is not included. Additionally, participants must also download or print their certificate of completion (Click here for an example) on page 88 of the course. The screenshot and certificate of completion must be submitted with a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form (leave the “Discussion Leader” and “Discussion Leader Signature” entries blank). Per the training program policy, a $20 admin fee is required for each individual training submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this is different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted under a single $20 admin fee). This course will only count for CE credit once every five years.


(Up to 2 years of CE credit)

  • Register as a new student (free):
  • After logging in, courses can be added to profile by clicking the TEAM Safe Trucking logo in the top right corner of the screen, then clicking “Course catalog” at the top of the menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Individuals can complete any combination of four (4) hours of training from the following list of approved classes for one (1) year of CE credit, or any combination of eight (8) hours of training for two (2) years of CE credit:
    • Module 1 – Must complete each of the following and provide individual certificates (1 hour)
      • Introduction to TEAM Safe Trucking
      • Driver Condition
      • Driver Qualification
      • Vehicle Condition
      • COVID19
    • Module 2 – Must complete each of the following and provide individual certificates (1 hour)
      • Clearances
      • Distracted Driving
      • Preventing Rollovers
      • Speeding
    • Before Your Drive – Must complete each of the following and provide individual certificates (2 hours)
      • Accountability
      • Alcohol & Drugs Part 1
      • Alcohol & Drugs Part 2
      • Fatigue
      • How to Survive a D.O.T. Audit
    • On the Road – Must complete each of the following and provide individual certificates (2 hours)
      • Backing
      • Breakdowns
      • Coupling & Uncoupling
      • DOT Inspections
      • Following Distance
      • Passing & Being Passed
      • Railroad Crossings
      • Right of Way
      • Turns & Curves
      • Wood’s Roads
    • At the Mill – Must complete each of the following and provide individual certificates (2 hours)
      • Entering & Exiting
      • Fall Prevention
      • Loading & Unloading
      • Mill General Safety Rules
      • Mill Safety Challenges
  • Please direct technical support questions/issues to TEAM Safe Trucking.

After listening to the full presentation and successfully passing all quizzes (NOTE: You will be caught if you attempt to skip through the presentations. Credit will be denied by the PA SIC.), participants must download or print their certificate of completion provided at the end of each course (Click here for an example). All required documentation (note that several of the credit options above will require multiple certificates) must be submitted with a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Forms (leave the “Discussion Leader” and “Discussion Leader Signature” entries blank). A separate form is required for each certificate submitted. Per the training program policy, a $20 admin fee is required for each training module (see green headings above) submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this is different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted under a single $20 admin fee). Courses will only count for CE credit once every five years.


(Up to 4+ years of CE credit)

  • Register as a new student (free):
  • Courses are free to access and complete.
  • Individuals can complete any combination of four (4) hours of training from the following list of approved classes for one (1) year of CE credit, or any combination of eight (8) hours of training for two (2) years of CE credit:
    • 105 – Hazard Communication: Basic (1 hour)
    • 107 – Emergency Action and Fire Prevention Plans (1 hour)
    • 108 – Personal Protective Equipment: Basic (1 hour)
    • 112 – Introduction to Safety Supervision (1 hour)
    • 113 – Introduction to Safety Leadership (1 hour)
    • 114 – Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection (1 hour)
    • 116 – Introduction to Safety Accountability (1 hour)
    • 144 – Introduction to OSHA (1 hour)
    • 155 – Welding safety: Basic (1 hour)
    • 159 – Hearing Protection: Basic (1 hour)
    • 160 – Tool Safety: Basic (1 hour)
    • 602 – Heat and Cold Stress Safety (1 hour)
    • 621 – Controlled Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) (1 hours)
    • 655 – Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace (1 hours)
    • 706 – Job Hazard Analysis (1 hour)
    • 717 – Emergency Action Plans (1 hour)
    • 718 – Fire Prevention Plans (1 hour)
    • 814 – Heavy Equipment Safety (1 hour)
  • Please direct technical support questions/issues to the OSHAcademy.

Courses are free to access and complete, but participants must purchase an official certificate of completion (.PDF for $15.99) for each course to provide the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee with verification of successful completion. For each class, participants must submit a completed Non-PA SFI Course Credit Form (leave the “Discussion Leader” and “Discussion Leader Signature” entries blank), and an official certificate of completion. Per the training program policy, a $20 admin fee is required for each individual training submitted to the Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee (Note, this is different than in the past when multiple trainings could be submitted under a single $20 admin fee). Courses will only count for CE credit once every five years.